CODD Metadata Processor
Database Systems Lab Indian Institute of Science | |||||
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About CODD
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Welcome to the CODD Metadata
Processor software developed at the Database Systems Lab, Indian
Institute of Science.
CODD is an easy-to-use graphical tool for the automated creation, verification, retention, scaling and porting of database meta-data configurations. It is written entirely in Java and is operational on a suite of industrial-strength database engines -- currently, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, SQL-MX and PostgreSQL are supported. The effective design and testing of database engines and applications is predicated on the ability to easily construct alternative scenarios with regard to the database contents. A limiting factor, however, is that the time and/or space overheads incurred in creating and maintaining these databases may render it infeasible to model the desired scenarios. CODD attempts to alleviate these difficulties through the construction of “dataless databases”. Specifically, it implements a unified visual interface through which databases with the desired metadata characteristics can be efficiently simulated without persistently generating and/or storing their contents. The following metadata processing modes are available in CODD:
Specifically, the editable meta-data is comprised of statistics on the following entities: (a) relational tables (row cardinality, row length, number of disk blocks, etc.); (b) attribute columns (column width, number of distinct values, value distribution histograms, etc.); (c) attribute indexes (number of leaf blocks, clustering factor, etc.); and (d) system parameters (sort memory size, CPU utilization, etc.) The metadata entered by the user is automatically validated for legality (correct type, valid range) and consistency (compatibility with other meta-data values). Note: The Construct Mode is not currently available for SQL Server since it stores column distribution statistics in a proprietary internal format. CODD supports the above-mentioned space-based scaling. In addition, it also incorporates a novel time-based scaling feature. Specifically, given a query workload ℚ and a scale factor α, the relational cardinalities are scaled such that the optimizer's estimated total cost of executing ℚ on the new database is scaled by α. As a secondary objective, it is also attempted, as far as possible, to have the execution time of each individual query in ℚ scaled by α. The name of the CODD tool stems from the English word cod, whose archaic meanings include “empty shell” and “fake”, both of which are appropriate to our dataless context. It also coincidentally happens to be the name of Edgar Codd, the father of relational databases. | |||||
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Note: The Indian Institute of
Science is the copyright owner on the CODD software, as per this
Copyright Certificate
issued by Govt. of India, on September 10, 2013.
Downloading the CODD software automatically implies that you accept
and acknowledge this copyright ownership by the
Indian Institute of Science.
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Publications | |||||
CODD: COnstructing Dataless Databases R. Trivedi, I. Nilavalagan and J. Haritsa Proc. of 5th Intl. Workshop on Testing Database Systems (DBTest), Scottsdale, USA, May 2012 CODD: A Dataless Approach to Big Data Testing (demo) Ashoke S. and J. Haritsa Proc. of 41st Intl. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Hawaii, USA, September 2015 published as PVLDB Journal vol. 8, no. 12, pgs. 2008-2011, August 2015 | |||||
Contact | |||||
Email: codd [AT] dsl [dot] cds [dot] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in | |||||
Primary CODD Contributors (in chronological order of participation) | |||||